"*" indicates required fields Camp with Karnik for a day! Join us for an exclusive “dogs only” camping related festivity where we’ll get competitive with some treat-oriented cornhole, indulge in some S’mores around the “fire”, prance through the pup tent and enjoy other amazing outdoor related activities. It’s only $10.00 to camp so don’t miss this one! (in addition to the regular cost of daycare). August 16th at Central Avenue | August 24th at Maple Village For your convenience, we are accepting a limited number of half-dayers. Please select your preference below. Karnik Facility* Central Avenue on Tues., Aug. 16th Maple Village on Wed., Aug. 24th Full Day / Half Day* Full Day Half Day Tell Us About Your DogDog's Name*Breed*Does your dog have any allergies?* Yes No Please list them*Tell Us About YourselfFirst Name*Last Name*Phone*Best Time to Contact*AnytimeMorningAfternoonEveningEmail* Enter Email Confirm Email Where did you hear about the party?*EmailPosterKarnik EmployeeFriendWebsiteDigital Display If your pet can't attend after you sign up, we kindly ask that you give us at least 24 hours notice (please check the "I will do my best" box). Acknowledgement checkbox* I will do my best! PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.