In the month of July, in lieu of charging our usual amount to attend our monthly party, Karnik asked for charitable donations to benefit G.R.A.C.E. (Greyhound Retirement Adoption Care and Education). We asked for a ten dollar donation to aid this wonderful organization in the continuation of their mission to “bring retired racing greyhounds together with people who want to share their lives and love with one of these amazing creatures.”
Santa and Mrs. Claus even took time out of their hectic schedule to come visit us with their dogs, Martha and Roxie! They made sure to pose for a picture with all of the canines on the nice list (which was all of them, of course!). These precious keepsakes of each pup’s time at the “north pole” were printed out and put into a frame for their “paw”rents to cherish forever!
We’re ecstatic to report the event was a huge success, and we were able to donate a total of $1,500 to G.R.A.C.E.! We’re so happy to be part of a community that is so compassionate of others and their beloved pets!
Karnik Pet Lodge would like to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your donations and we look forward to serving the pet community once again for the betterment of the animals we hold so dear to our hearts.
To learn more about G.R.A.C.E. and to support their mission, please check out their website at
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